1-31 Jan 09.
In the monthly maps that follow, I've left her path for
the whole 6 months on the map and show only the locations for the month
in question. In January she spent most of the month on the upper Ouagui
Feb 09.
She spent Feb on a 43 mi (69 km)
stretch of the Ouagui in French Guiana. |
Feb 09.
Here's a close-up of the section
of the Ouagui River that has the uppermost two clusters of locations in
the previous map. |
Feb 09.
Here's the same stretch of river
without Penelope's "balloons." She likes the braided river stretch in
the lower portion of this map. We'll see this again in the June map. |
Mar 09.
On 17 Mar Penelope moved
downriver (NW) onto the Litani River, which forms the border between
French Guiana and Suriname, and spent the rest of the month on the
Litani. |
Apr 09.
She couldn't make up her mind in
April. On the 6th she moved upriver (from Suriname into French Guiana).
On the 13th it was back down river (NW), and finally on the 19th she
headed back southeast into French Guiana, where she spent the rest of
the month. |
May 09. The
fishing must have been good
along this stretch of the Ouagui for the whole month. |
Jun 09.
After spending most of June on
the Oaugui, Penelope went with the flow and, on the 25th, flew back to
her downriver stretch of the Litani River. A close-up of this
interesting part of the river is below. |
Jun '09.
Penelope keeps coming back to
this reach of the Litani River. Along this section of the French
Guiana-Suriname border, the river flows through a gap in some hills and
then breaks up into a series of narrow channels. Presumably, the
underlying terrain here is rocky, so the river can't erode a wide
channel. This implies that the water is probably shallow, which makes
for ideal fishing for our Osprey. |
July '09.
Aug '09.
Fairly sedentary. |
Sep '09.
Penelope moved back up the
river. |
Oct '09. After
spending most of the month upriver, she headed back downriver at the end
of the month.
Nov '09. Another move up river. |
Dec '09. Settled down for the month. |
Jan 2010. Same stretch of the river for 3 months now. Sometime
this spring, she will head north. |
Feb 2010. She got bored and made a 2-day trip all the way up to
the cataracts on the Itani River, where she's spent a lot of time.
Apparently, she wasn't impressed, as she flew back to the Ouagui River
in French Guiana the next day.
For all of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, she has
moved up and down 110 miles (178 km) of the Ouagui and Itani Rivers. |