Rammie's 2013
migration -
Thanks to our colleagues at Movebank.org, we
have our first interactive maps. You can zoom in
on any part of Rammie's track as he migrated
from South America back to his nest on the
Westport River in SE Massachusetts. Slide the
yellow dot along the route, or use the calendar
to see where he was on any given day.
My static, but annotated, maps are below--awaiting
updating for the last day of his spring
migration, when he covered 310 miles, from
northeastern MD to his home in southeastern MA
in one long haul. |
15-17 Mar 2013 -
Rammie started migrating a day after
his neighbor, Bridger (salmon B), but had caught
up to him by midday on the 22nd. |
Fall 2012 -
Rammie got to South America flying under our
radar. Somehow he made it all the way to
Venezuela without being near a cell tower around
mid-day, which is when his transmitter is
programmed to text home. The white arrows
indicate the most likely route he took. The one
thing we do know is that he did not follow the
orange line from his last location up in
Virginia down to his wintering grounds in
Venezuela. |
Winter 2012-13 -
Our data for Rammie's winter activity begins in
early Feb. From that time until he left on 15
March, his core area was a remarkably small 0.25
square miles! |
15-17 Mar 2013 -
Here's Rammie's track through northwestern
Venezuela. So what's up with the zig-zagging?
This is a more mountainous part of the country
than it appears on this map. Scroll down...
(I marked the small reservoir where Homer, one
of our Martha's Vineyard juveniles, spent two
winters.) |
15-17 Mar 2013 -
Here's a rough track of Rammie's movement on the
15th -17th. Looks like he doesn't dodge all the
mountains in his way, but it also looks like
there's no way to avoid them all. |
17-22 Mar 2013 -
Rammie crossed the Caribbean probably faster
than any other bird we have tracked. He did this
because he took a shortcut, skipping Hispaniola
altogether. He barely stopped to rest in
Jamaica. |
23-26 Mar 2013 -
Rammie is a bird on a mission--to get back to
his nest before any other male gets ideas about
taking over this turf. The first time he stopped
was up in North Carolina. |
26 Mar 2013 -
Rammie hopped from lake to lake going through
North Carolina, but didn't stop to fish along
the way. He finally stopped for a couple of
days--probably weather related--north of Falls
Lake at Lake Michie. |
30-31 Mar 2013 -
After a couple days of rest, Rammie made a big
move on the 30th, covering all of Virginia in a
single bound. |