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10 Oct 06: Comet
seems to have settled down. On the 27th he moved into Colombia and pushed
south along the western slope of the Cordilleira Occidental--the western
fork of the Andes. I've included the topography in this map. East of his
current location (and across the mountains) is the Magdalena Valley, where
one of our Delaware birds (Della) has settled down.
Comet is in the Choco region of Colombia, which
is probably the wettest corner of the planet. Up to 12 meters (that's 480
inches!) of rain are dumped on this region as moist clouds coming off the
Pacific are forced upslope and drop all that water. He's been here for
almost two weeks. Still to early to say if he'll settle down here for the
His travels have taken 21 days, during which he's
flown at least 2966 miles (4833 km). We don't have coverage for some of
his trip, such as the Jamaica stopover, so he has clearly flown farther
than what we have recorded. At this minimal estimate, he averaged 140
miles/day (260 km/day). This is a pretty fast trip for a youngster.
On this map I've indicated where three of our
other birds are. Jaws is just south (about 100km) of his '04-'05 area.
Homer's settled down and has been at the area indicated for 5 or 6 months.
Della, recently arrived, seems to have settled down on the western slope
of the eastern Cordilleira.
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