Our gang-- Dalena, Mar, Mops, Cath, and Mary Jane--heading out to
the Bloody Bay reef dive sites.

The Little Cayman Airport and Fire Station

Cath & Mopsy

An iguana, and not just ANY iguana but a...

Hungry iguana, as Cath can attest.

Said hungry iguana comparing a finger to a piece of pineapple...

Treatment by Nurse Mops after said hungry iguana decided a grape stem
with no grapes on it was an offer that needed to be punished.

One of the symptoms of iguana bites is a strange
growth on the victim's head.

Off to the field to see some Caymanian wildlife:

A hermit crab--renamed by us more appropriately a squatter crab

A slightly blurry shot of the ubiquitous Bannanaquit

A striking lepidopteran larva

Momma Moorhen and youngster

A Black-necked Stilt

The endemic Vittelline Warbler--found only on the Caymans

The West Indian Whistling Duck, a species found only in the West Indies

The nifty little curlycue-tailed lizard.

At the National Trust House we helped Gladys (owner of our dive
resort and Little Cayman conservationist) and Patricia Bradley, author of
The Birds of the Cayman Islands, install a new sign on the deck
overlooking the
Red-footed Booby Pond. The pond is the largest nesting colony for the
Red-footed Booby in the West Indies.

Not my picture! Borrowed this one from the web
(www.arts.adelaide.edu.au/Geogenvst/ minty/redfootbooby.jpg)