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The map below shows all the nests we knew of in the south Charlotte
suburbs (north of South Park) in 2005. Scroll down for a map of the 2007 nests.. Nests are as close as 400 yds apart (16
and 15). Male territories are about 200 acres, females use an area about half the
size of the males' territories, as they stay closer to the young.
We have found most, if not all, the nests across much of the
area from Dilworth and Myers Park through Eastover and into Elizabeth. We're
always looking to add more pairs to our study, if only to assess the real
density of Barred Owls in this suburban habitat, so if you know of a nest that
doesn't appear on our map.
These are most of the suburban nests we located
in 2004. (There are some off the map.)
1. Latta Park.
2. Ideal Way & McDonald
3. Bromley
4. Bay St.
5. The Plaza
6. Commonwealth
7. Sheridan/off Central
8. Carriage Lane
9. Ardsley Rd.
10. Colville & Dotger
11. Griertown
12. Evergreen Nat. Pres.
13. Cumberland/Freedom Park
14. Little Hope Creek
15. Nature Museum/Freedom Park
16. Princeton & Willow Oak
17. Towne Rd.
18. Rockbrook/Colony
19. Roswell/Queens
20. Llewellyn/Lockely
21. Vernon
22. Commonwealth off Monroe
23. Glenridge off Rama |
2007 Barred Owl Nests
In this map, circles represent active pairs in
natural tree cavities.
Triangles indicate pairs that we know were present,
but we didn't find the nest tree.
Squares are active pairs in nest boxes.
Of particular interest this year was the proximity
of the two Nature Museum nests in Freedom Park. One pair started nesting
at the circle marked "Nat Mus 06", about 300 m from the Nat Mus
07 nest. The former pair's nest failed and they relocated to a cavity they
used back in '05, which was about 100m from the Nat Mus 07 nest tree.
These are the closest nests we've ever seen. |