| | 2002 - Dispersal of Young
In 2002 we began following young dispersing from their
nest areas. Young are fed by their parents for a month or two after they leave
the nest, but eventually their allowance is cut off and they have to go make a
living on their own. Further movements (Sept. and beyond) are plotted below.
The Princeton young settled down along Rockbrook at the south end of the Myers
Park CC golf course where she has been nesting ever since. In 2008 she fledged
her first successful brood of young owlets.

Princeton- Some time in late July the radio-tagged
youngster from this nest dropped off our radar screens. We found him on 1
August '02 abpit 2 km from his nest near the intersection of Sharon and
Runnymede. After spending almost 4 weeks in this area, on Aug 27 he moved
to Sharon Amity and Providence.
Colville- In the second half of August, the
radio-tagged Colville youngster moved about 2km southwest and has settled
in for a while.
[More below.] |
The Colville bird (in blue) settled down
in a wooded stream just a few dozen miles from the 6-lane Belkway around
downtown Charlottte. This bird disappeared, probably a victim of a
hit-and-run accident.
The Princeton bird settled down just west of the the
"4" in the map at right. In 2004 we discovered the bird was a
female when it laid three eggs! Her nest was plundered by a raccoon that
In January 2005, we retrapped her (her battery was dead) and gave her a
new radio, which should last for 2 more years. |
